your expert assistant in

pilot project & mvp development

Credema AG helps entrepreneurs to create, develop and market their products or services with unmatched speed, flexibility and compliance.

Or “pick up the phone and start dialing!” +41 79 453 34 37

what’s credema ag?

Credema AG is a company dedicated to transforming innovative ideas into market-ready solutions. It offers advanced CRM solutions, data-driven insights, and AI integration to elevate business projects from concept to success. Credema provides business development services, pilot project management, and MVP launching to help businesses thrive and scale in any market. Explore our ecosystem at credema through our specialized hubs:

Customer Relationship Management Software

Centralized CRM Platform

Marketing & Sales Automation

Business Intelligence Tools

Data-related & Marketing Services

Data Collection

Graphic design


Marketing Automation & Artificial Intelligence Integration

Automation Integration

Advanced AI Solutions

Apple Intelligence Services

what’s the difference between a mvp & a pilot project

A Pilot Projects is a preliminary, small-scale implementation aimed at testing the feasibility, time, cost, and risk of a project idea. It serves as a trial run to identify potential issues and gather feedback before a full-scale launch. The goal of a pilot project is to validate the concept and its operational aspects in a controlled environment, allowing for adjustments and improvements based on real-world data and experiences.

A Minimum Viable Products (MVP) is a version of a product with the minimum features necessary to meet the needs of early adopters and gather feedback for future development. The primary objective of an MVP is to quickly launch a functional product that addresses core user needs, allowing for rapid iterations and enhancements based on user feedback. This approach helps in understanding the market demand, refining the product, and reducing the risks associated with launching a fully developed product without prior validation.

why choose credema?

Innovative CRM Solutions: Our advanced Contact Relationship Management platform serves as a centralized hub for all stakeholder information and interactions, empowering you to leverage every detail and interaction.

International Expertise: Benefit from our multilingual support, cost-efficient solutions, and extensive experience to manage digitally target markets.

Latest Best Practices: Stay ahead with our expertise in data strategy, research capabilities, and cutting-edge technologies to drive actionable insights and business success.

elevate your business vision with our team & tools

Through creation, development & marketing

Our Team

daniel grossmann


kilian grossmann

project manager

manik jolly

web master & programmer

sarah johanna hamera

cognitive science

lucy pili

data manager

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