
How Many Companies Are Started in Switzerland Each Year?
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How Many Companies Are Started in Switzerland Each Year?

Switzerland is renowned for its stable economy, high quality of life, and innovation-friendly environment. It’s no wonder that so many entrepreneurs choose this country to launch their ventures. But just how many new companies are started in Switzerland each year? Let’s dive into the latest statistics and explore what they mean for aspiring business owners.

A Look at the Numbers

According to the latest data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (OFS), 43,037 new companies were established in Switzerland in 2021. This marks a significant recovery from 2020, when the number of new businesses slightly dipped to 40,188 due to the economic impacts of the global pandemic.

Sector Breakdown:

  • Secondary Sector (Industry and Construction): 5,616 new companies
  • Tertiary Sector (Services, Finance, Healthcare, etc.): 37,421 new companies

The tertiary sector dominates, reflecting Switzerland’s strong service-oriented economy, with significant contributions from financial services, healthcare, and professional services.

Regional Insights:

  • Lemanic Region: 9,934 new businesses
  • Zurich: 7,716 new businesses
  • Espace Mittelland: 7,697 new businesses

The Lemanic Region and Zurich are the most active areas for new business formations, driven by their status as key economic hubs with thriving international and domestic markets.

Understanding the Market Dynamics

These figures highlight Switzerland's robust entrepreneurial environment, which is supported by favorable regulations, a skilled workforce, and access to international markets. However, launching a business in such a dynamic landscape comes with its own set of challenges.

Challenges Entrepreneurs Face:

  1. Regulatory Compliance: Navigating Switzerland's regulatory landscape can be complex, especially for newcomers.
  2. Market Competition: With so many new companies being established, standing out requires a strong value proposition and strategic planning.
  3. Access to Resources: While Switzerland offers many opportunities, access to capital, talent, and networks is critical to success.

How Credema AG Can Help

At Credema AG, we understand the intricacies of starting and growing a business in Switzerland. Whether you’re entering the secondary or tertiary sector, or establishing a presence in Zurich, the Lemanic Region, or beyond, our expertise is here to guide you through every step of your entrepreneurial journey.

Our Services Include:

  • Business Development: We help you refine your business idea, ensuring it is market-ready.
  • Pilot Project Development: Our team can rapidly develop and test your concepts, minimizing risks and maximizing potential.
  • MVP Launching: We support you in bringing your Minimum Viable Product to market quickly and efficiently.
  • Market Entry Strategies: With deep knowledge of the Swiss market, we provide tailored strategies to help you succeed.


Switzerland continues to be a fertile ground for entrepreneurship, with tens of thousands of new companies emerging each year. Whether you’re looking to start a business in the bustling city of Zurich or the innovative Lemanic Region, Credema AG is here to support your journey.

Stay tuned to our blog for more insights and tips on navigating the Swiss business landscape, and let’s work together to turn your business dream into a reality.


DE: Bundesamt für Statistik - Unternehmensdemografie

FR: Office fédéral de la statistique - Démographie des entreprises


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